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Need Help?


I’m Lucid Montgomery, one of the most experienced detectives here at the Detective Society. I’ve solved over 1,400 cases and I’ve only been stabbed twice, which I’m sure you’ll appreciate is an exceptional ratio.

Due to my experience, The Detective Society asks me to look over all cases they are hired to solve. I always make a few notes about each case, which other detectives sometimes find helpful should they become stuck.

However, I’m sure that you - like any good detective - are filled with a large amount of pride (it’s not a sin, deadly or otherwise). So DO NOT read my guidance unless you feel you are truly in a jam. If you are struggling with something then re-read any notes you’ve been given and make sure you’ve looked at all the evidence in front of you - both physical and digital. The answer is probably in there somewhere.

In addition, if you’re wondering what you can or cannot do, then the Society’s guidelines will be of use. You can find them here: Rules and Guidelines.

You may also wish to make sure that all the necessary items have been delivered to you; you can check a list of what you should have received here.

If none of that works then please login below to view my musings.